Independent expert report to King Wood Mallesons for a major litigation.
Due Diligence Projects
Independent Expert Report
Independent Expert Report
Independent expert report to Bharat PetroResources Limited (India) on their Discovered Marginal Fields studies.
Subsurface Due Diligence and Advice
Subsurface due diligence and advice to an Australian independent on their acquisition of OTTO Energy’s 33% equity in the producing Galoc field.
Subsurface and Production Engineering
Subsurface and production engineering due diligence on Cooper Basin gas fields for an American independent.
Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir engineering due diligence on a Timor Sea oil field for a Thai multinational.
Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir engineering due diligence for a major Japanese utility on their acquisition of the Wheatstone LNG project.
Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir engineering due diligence and project management advice to Japanese gas company on their acquisitions of a major LNG project in Western Australia.
Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir engineering due diligence and project management advice to Japanese multinational on their acquisitions of assets in Western Australia.
Odin Reservoir Consultants have worked with: